
How can I re-open a completed task?

You can view completed tasks and re-open completed tasks at any time. From the Task Flow view 1.  At the bottom of the Task List, look for the tasks completed section. 2. Click on tasks completed to show a more detailed view of what was completed. 3. Click on Reopen to bring the task back to […]

How can I edit a task list name?

To edit a Task List name: 1. Go to the Task section. 2. Hover over the Task List that you want to edit and click Edit. Edit the name and click Update.

How can I change a deadline on a task?

You can update the Due Date of a Task by: 1. Click the down arrow then Edit. Update the Due Date and click Update. Or, 2. Select the Task name. On the right side under Update, click Due Date.  Change the due date and click Update.  

Can we assign a task to more than one person?

You can have 1 person assigned to a task and multiple people assisting on a task. Task Flow View From the Tasks page, on the right click Quick Assign. Select the person’s photo and drag it onto the task. The first person you drop on the task will be assigned the task. Anyone else you add will […]

Can I move a task from one project to another?

You are able to move Tasks from one Pod to another. 1.  Go to the Pod that has the Task you want to move. 2. Select the Task name to open up the details. On the right side under Actions, click Move. 3. Choose the Pod then select the Task List you want to move the Task to. 4. […]

Can anyone add Task Lists or Tasks to a Pod?

Everyone except Freelancers can add Task Lists to a Pod. Everyone can add Tasks within a Pod. For more information on permissions of your teammates, check out What is the difference between an Admin, Team Member, Freelancer, and Client.  

Attach files using the drag and drop method

You can attach files to the Tasks using “Drag and drop” method. When you click on Attach File from Computer, a drag and drop area appears under the comment box. 1. Drag a file onto the drag and drop area and drop it. 2. Write something about your attachment in the comment box and click Add Comment. This will […]

How do I add a Task?

A Task is an activity that needs to be accomplished within a defined period of time. 1. Login to your Brightpod account, navigate to the Pod where you want to add tasks. 2. Choose the Task List under which you want to add new task. Click Add Task. 3. Enter the task name, who is responsible […]

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