
How do I add an existing team member to a pod?

You can add team members when creating a pod or when your pod has already been created. Add a team member when creating a pod 1. When creating a new pod, at the bottom click Create pod & invite p...

What type of workflows can I choose?

To get started quickly, there are many great built-in workflows included in your Brightpod account. Workflows allow you to copy previous pod tasks (including task types associated to a task,) task li...

How do I setup a workflow when adding a new pod?

Workflows are pre-built set of milestones, task lists, tasks (including task types associated to a task), and invited team members that you can apply to a new Pod. You will be given an option to selec...

Why can’t I access a particular Pod?

You cannot access a pod/project unless someone invites you to it. Most Brightpod accounts have many different pods with many different people collaborating. Some pods have some team members, and othe...

Who can add a Pod?

Only Administrators and Team members can add a pod. Freelancers and Clients are unable to create a new pod. Learn more about Team Permissions in Brightpod.

What can I do within a Pod?

Within a Pod you can add: Milestones Task Lists Tasks Files Messages Time Invite people (or clients) to participate Re-use a copy of it for any future projects Check out what it would look like to pla...

How do I set up a project/pod in Brightpod?

A Pod is a project or organizational structure that is under continuous development. You can specify a date range, keep track of the hours spent on a project, and more. To create a pod, 1. Click the o...

How do I duplicate a Pod?

Brightpod allows you to create an exact copy of a Pod (milestones, task lists, tasks (including any task types you set,) and invited team members) using Workflows. Learn more about workflows. To dupli...

How do I change the Pod Lead?

The pod lead, or person responsible for the pod, is by default the person who created the pod. You can change this responsibility at any time if you are an administrator or team member. 1. Go to t...

Can everyone see all Messages within a Pod?

Administrators, team members, and freelancers who have access to a pod can see all messages posted. Clients are only able to see messages that have been marked as visible to client.  

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