
I am a freelancer that has been invited to Brightpod. How do I get started?

Welcome! As a freelancer, your client wants to collaborate and participate with you on managing your project(s). Brightpod is used for keeping track of your project’s goals, tasks, time, team members, calendars, communication, and much more. Signing In When you are invited to a Brightpod account, first you will receive an invitation email. 1. In […]

What can a Pod Lead do?

Each Pod has a Pod Lead. They: Are responsible for the activity in the pod. Can add team members to the pod. Add assisting users to tasks. When creating a pod for the first time, the only options for a lead are the Administrators or Team Members in your account. If you have already created the pod and […]

How do I delete/ remove a team member from my account?

If you want to remove a team member from your account, 1. Go to the Team tab. 2. Select the name of the team member you want to remove. 3. On the right side, click Remove and confirm that you want to completely remove this team member. On the next page, you will have the option to re-assign this […]

How can I change a Team Member to be a Client?

When adding your team members to your Brightpod account, permissions are important! Clients have a lot less visibility than Team Members. If you added a Client as a Team member and need to change this, 1. Go to your Team page. 2. Select the name of the person who is actually the client. 3. On […]

How do I add an existing team member to a pod?

You can add team members when creating a pod or when your pod has already been created. Add a team member when creating a pod 1. When creating a new pod, at the bottom click Create pod & invite people. 2. On the Team invite screen, you will see your existing team members to be invited. […]

How do I manage groups?

Groups are associated to people that you are collaborating with. You can add a new group when adding a person, change the group a person is associated with, and edit the group name. You cannot delete a group. To add a new group Adding a new group is part of adding a new person to […]

How do I change a Team Member to be an Admin or Freelancer?

If you are the Admin of your Brightpod account, you can change the permissions of the people you are collaborating with. For example, you can change a Team Member to be a Freelancer, a Freelancer to be a Team Member, etc. 1. Click Team then, select the name of the Team Member you want to […]

What is the difference between an admin, team member, freelancer, and client?

Collaborating is a key part of accomplishing the many tasks that are often needed during any project. An Admin or Team Member can add team members, freelancers, and/or clients to collaborate on a pod. An Admin is just that, an administrator. He/she has permission to access all pods. An Admin can add/edit/remove anything within their […]

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