Projects/ Pods

How do I duplicate a Pod?

Brightpod allows you to create an exact copy of a Pod (milestones, task lists, tasks (including any task types you set,) and invited team members) using Workflows. Learn more about workflows. To duplicate a Pod: 1. Select the orange pod and click Workflows. 2. On the right hand side, click the button Create Workflow from […]

How do I change the Pod Lead?

The pod lead, or person responsible for the pod, is by default the person who created the pod. You can change this responsibility at any time if you are an administrator or team member. 1. Go to the pods page and select the gear beside the pod name. Click Settings. 2. Scroll down until pod lead and click the dropdown to select […]

How do I change details of a Pod?

Pod Settings allow you to update your pod’s details: Pod Name Start Date End Date Budgeted Time Client Pod Lead Pod Color Description 1. Go to the Pods page and select the gear beside the pod name. 2. Click Settings. 3. Click Update Pod to save your changes

Can all my team members access all Pods?

No. Only Administrators are able to see all pods. Team members, freelancers, and clients are able to see pods they have been invited to. Learn more about team member permission levels. To view who, other than administrators, has access to a pod: 1. Select the pod you want to check. 2. For a quick view of everyone, you […]

Finding removed and archived items

If you have removed a Time, Message, Comment, Task, Task List, or Milestone, Brightpod keeps these removed items for 30 days. This allows you to recover something that has been accidentally removed.  After 30 days, the removed items are deleted forever and cannot be retrieved. Each pod has a Removed Items section that allows you to access items […]

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